Do You Need to Ship Items Overseas From New Bedford, MA?

Arrange for air freight services with Oliveira Shipping

Shipping items overseas can be a huge pain. You'll need to hire a dependable overseas air freight shipper to ensure your items get where they need to go. Contact Oliveira Shipping to arrange for air freight services our of New Bedford, MA. We can fly your goods to the Azores Islands or the Cape Verde Islands and make sure they find their way to their next shipper. You can be sure your goods will arrive on schedule and in one piece.

If you're in the New Bedford, MA area, get in touch with us to start arranging for your overseas air freight shipment.

Your delivery is in good hands with us

Are you worried your goods won't make it to their destination intact? Trust us to fly your items overseas. We have experience shipping items big and small. We can deliver:

  • Furniture
  • Clothes
  • Electronics
  • Dishware

Get in touch with us to learn more about our air freight services.